
Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students supports IU Indianapolis's educational mission and goals by working to maintain a campus community that is positive and educationally supportive. It does so by promoting and upholding the values of civility, personal integrity, and academic excellence and by providing services, advocacy, and crisis management for all students. If you find you don't know who to contact regarding a specific issue or problem, the dean of students or the student advocate is a good place to start.

Office of Student Conduct

This is an office within the  Division of Student Affairs that supports the educational mission of the university by upholding the  Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct .The IU Indianapolis disciplinary process is a fair and informal educational process designed to promote a safe educational environment and develop students who are productive members of both the local and global communities.
All persons are encouraged to contact Student Conduct if they wish to report behaviors that could potentially have been a violation of the Code.

Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct (for all IU campuses)

In 1990, the Trustees of Indiana University approved a university-wide Code of Student Ethics, which later was named the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The Code is Indiana University’s way of ensuring that the rights of students—our most important group—are protected and respected.  
As an IU student, you are entitled to respect and civility as you study here, but you have an important role to play in this free and open exchange of ideas we call a university. You must be aware of your responsibilities and expectations as a student—and that’s where  the Code  comes in. Here, you’ll find your rights and expectations clearly spelled out. 

IU Indianapolis disciplinary procedures (local to campus)

The processes for implementation of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct are developed and administered by each individual campus within the IU System.  The IU Indianapolis disciplinary procedures outline the process by which the university will resolve complaints of Academic Misconduct and Personal Misconduct. The processes are educational in nature and are not comparable to the criminal justice system. The ultimate goals of the disciplinary process are to promote a safe educational environment and develop students who are productive members of both the local and global communities.

Indiana University Student Welfare Initiative - Stop Sexual Violence